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High Performance PEEK Tubing - High Performance Polymer-Plastic Fastener Components

Tubi in PEEK ad alte prestazioni

PEEK tubing is a polymer tubing solution that has gained widespread use in demanding scientific and industrial applications, particularly in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). PEEK, short for polyether ether ketone,...

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PEEK Unions and Connectors for HPLC and GCMS - High Performance Polymer-Plastic Fastener Components

Raccordi e connettori in PEEK per HPLC e GCMS

PEEK unions and connectors are essential components in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems, designed to maintain the integrity of the fluid pathways while ensuring reliable and precise performance. PEEK, or...

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PEEK Tubing for HPLC and GCMS - High Performance Polymer-Plastic Fastener Components

Tubi in PEEK per HPLC e GCMS

PEEK tubing is widely used in industries that require precise fluid handling under demanding conditions, particularly in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) applications. PEEK, or polyether ether ketone, is a thermoplastic...

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Asta e piastra in PEEK: Descrizione e usi

PEEK, short for polyetheretherketone, is a thermoplastic that possesses exceptional mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties. It is widely used in various industries due to its unique combination of characteristics. PEEK...

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Pellet di prodotti sfusi di SBIRCIATA

The process of converting PEEK granules into finished parts typically involves injection moulding, one of the most widely used manufacturing techniques for thermoplastics. During injection moulding, PEEK granules are heated...

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Transparent High Performance Polymer Polycarbonate Fasteners - High Performance Polymer-Plastic Fastener Components

Elementi di fissaggio trasparenti in policarbonato polimerico ad alte prestazioni

Il policarbonato è un polimero ad alte prestazioni ampiamente utilizzato in diverse applicazioni. La sua combinazione unica di proprietà, tra cui l'alta resistenza, l'eccellente resistenza agli urti e la chiarezza...

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RENY and KYOUJIN Fasteners for flanges - High Performance Polymer-Plastic Fastener Components

RENY e KYOUJIN Elementi di fissaggio per flange

Fasteners play a critical role in ensuring the safety and stability of flanged connections, especially in industries where high pressure, extreme temperatures, or corrosive environments are involved. Traditionally, metal fasteners...

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The different versions of Victrex PEEK and what they are used for? - High Performance Polymer-Plastic Fastener Components

Le diverse versioni del Victrex PEEK e il loro utilizzo?

PEEK, or Polyetheretherketone, is a high-performance thermoplastic material that is widely used in various industries due to its excellent mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties. Victrex PEEK is one of the...

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How PEEK Screws, Nuts, Bolts, Washers may be used at the Diamond Light Source. - High Performance Polymer-Plastic Fastener Components

Come le viti, i dadi, i bulloni e le rondelle in PEEK possono essere utilizzati nella sorgente di luce diamantata.

Le viti, i dadi, i bulloni e le rondelle in PEEK sono elementi di fissaggio realizzati in PEEK (Polietereterchetone), un materiale plastico ad alte prestazioni con eccellenti proprietà meccaniche e...

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Corrosion Resistant Bolts, Nuts, and Washers for use in the Oil and Gas Industry - High Performance Polymer-Plastic Fastener Components

Bulloni, dadi e rondelle resistenti alla corrosione per l'industria petrolifera e del gas

In the oil and gas industry, three standout materials we offer are particularly well-suited to handle the extreme conditions of this sector are PEEK, PEEK GF30, and PTFE. These materials excel due to...

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